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Innovating Safety & Productivity for the Corrosion Control Industry
3 different version, Single Pot/MistSkid System/MegaMist System
Built with Operator Comfort In Mind
Safety, Functionality, Productivity, Convenience
Life is complex, but we'll try to make it that little bit easier for you within our field of expertise.
Quite simply, if your job involves blasting and spraying equipment or consumables, then we'll have what you need, where and when you need it, to help you get the job completed.
Rapijet AO - Aluminium Oxide
Non-ferrous and extremely tough
Available in 22 different sizes, Rapijet AO - Aluminium Oxide is a high quality abrasive
that can be used 15 to 20 times. Suitable for use with stainless steel, other non-ferrous
metals and mild steel applications, it can be used in virtually any scenario, including
aerospace applications.
RPB Z-Link Multi-Purpose Respirator
Engineered to advance your safety and increase your productivity
From welding and grinding to chemical handling, the Z-Link serves the widest spectrum
of industries and applications on the market.
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